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I Resolve...

'tis the season for "I will...", "I will not..." "I might...", "I will try to...".

We've asked some folks to share their goals for the coming year (and beyond). Hopefully you'll find some kindred motivation as you start the race!

*to dig my heels into Louisville living. Patrick Chapman, Quills Barista

*to play the guitar - LOUD and OFTEN! Sarah Welder, Quills Manager

*to have our most successful year ever- not just money-wise but also health, friendships and family. Melinda Leach, James Byrd Photography (just a couple of doors down from Quills Baxter)

*to eat better and lose 8 lbs. Kim Layman, Quills barista

*to 1. Record an album and 2. Keep a day planner Philip Revell, Quills Coffee Quality Director, Wholesale Manager 


For an easy, enjoyable way to set your goals and resolutions try our good friend Aaron's new app Goalsmith 

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