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Shop Locations


930 Baxter Avenue, Louisville, KY 40204

(502) 742-6129 - This is also our administrative line

Mon-Thurs 7AM-10PM

Fri 7AM-8PM

Sat 8AM-8PM

Sun 8AM-6PM

*Note: To reserve our meeting room at Baxter, please come in to make a reservation or email 48-hours notice is required by email.

327 West Cardinal Blvd Louisville, KY 40208

(Across the street from Gray's bookstore)


*New Fall Hours:

Mon-Thurs 7AM-8PM

Fri 7AM-6PM

Sat-Sun 8AM-8PM

137 East Market Street, New Albany, IN 47150

(Across the street from The Grand)

(812)590-3426 - This is also the line for wholesale and other Roastery inquiries

Mon 7AM-1PM

Tues-Sat 7AM-5PM

Sun 8AM-4PM